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赵国平 个人简介

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:16    点击次数:64
简介 赵国平,女,山东滨州人 1987年11月出生 副教授,博士 研究方向:调和分析 Email:[email protected] 教育背景 2009年9月-2014年7月 修读于浙江大学基础数学专业,获理学博士学 2005年9月-2009年7月 修读于山东大学数学与应用数学专业,获理学学位 工作经历 2015年12月至今 任教于厦门理工学院 2018年7月 晋升为副教授 科研和教改项目 发表论文 1. G. Zhao, W. Guo*, Sharp embedding relations between local Hardy and α- modulation spaces, Analysis Math., 2021, 47(2), 451-481. (SCI). 2. G. Zhao, W. Guo*, Unimodular multipliers on α-modulation spaces: a revisitwith new method, Annals of Functional Analysis, 2021, 12(1) , https://doi.org/10.1007/s43034-020-00089-3. (SCI) 3. W. Guo, G. Zhao*, On relatively compact sets in quasi-Banach function spaces,Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society, 2020,148(8), 3359-3373. (SCI) 4. W. Guo, G. Zhao*, Sharp estimates of unimodular Fourier multipliers on Wiener amalgam spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2020, 278, 108405. 5. W. Guo, J. Chen, D. Fan, G. Zhao*, Characterization of some properties on weighted modulation spaces, Michigan Mathematical Journal, 2019, 68(3), 451-482.(SCI) 6. Y. Wen, W. Guo, H. Wu*, G. Zhao, A note on maximal commutators with rough kernels. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2019, 357 (5), 424-435.(SCI) 7. G. Zhao, W. Guo*, Hausdorff operators on Sobolev spaces Wk;1, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 2019, 30(2), 97-111.(SCI) 8. G. Zhao, W. Guo*, Xiao Yu, Fractional integral operators on alpha-modulation spaces in the full range, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2018, 97(3), 499-512.(SCI) 9. G. Zhao, D. Fan, W. Guo*, Hausdorff operators on modulation and Wiener amalgam spaces, Annals of Functional Analysis, 2018,9(3), 398-412.(SCI) 10. W. Guo*, D. Fan, G. Zhao, Full characterization of the embedding relations between α-modulation spaces, Science China Mathematics, 2018, 61(7), 1243-1272.(SCI) 11. G. Zhao, Q, Lou, Hausdorff operators on modulation spaces Mp;p s , J. Funct. Spaces 2018, Art. ID 3048502, 7 pp.(SCI) 12. W. Guo, D. Fan, H. Wu, G. Zhao*, Sharp weighted convolution inequalities and some application, Studia Math., 2018, 241(3), 201-239.(SCI) 13. W. Guo*, H. Wu, Q. Yang, G. Zhao, Characterization of inclusion relations between wiener amalgam and some classical spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis,2017, 273(1), 404-443.(SCI) 14. W. Guo*, H. Wu, G. Zhao, Inclusion relations between modulation and TriebelLizorkin spaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145 (2017), 4807-4820.(SCI) 15. W. Guo, J. Chen, D. Fan, G. Zhao*, Sharp estimates of unimodular multipliers on frequency decomposition spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2016, 142,26-47.(SCI) 16. X. Yu, H. Zhang*, G. Zhao, Weighted boundedness of some integral operators on weighted -central Morrey space. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, 2016, 31(3), 331-342.(SCI) 17. W. Zhao, M. Wang, G. Zhao, Integral restriction for bilinear operators. Publ. Mat., 2016, 60(2), 485-500.(SCI) 18. G. Zhao, J. Chen, D. Fan, W. Guo*, Sharp estimates of unimodular multipliers on frequency decomposition spaces, Nonlinear analysis, 2016, 142, 26-47.(SCI) 19. G. Zhao, D. Fan, W. Guo*, Fractional integral operators on -modulation spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2016, 289(10), 1288-1300.(SCI) 20. W. Guo, D. Fan, H. Wu, G. Zhao*, Sharpness of Complex Interpolation of α-Modulation Spaces, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 2015, 1-35.(SCI) 21. G. Zhao, J. Chen, D. Fan, W. Guo*, Unimodular Fourier multipliers on homogeneous Besov spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015, 425(1), 536-547.(SCI) 22. G. Gao, X. Wu, A. Hussain, G. Zhao, Some estimates for Hausdorff operators. J. Math. Inequal., 2015, 9(3), 641-651.(SCI) 23. G. Zhao, W. Guo*, Asymptotic estimate of unimodular multipliers on modulation space, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese), 2015, 58(1) 141-152. (核心) 24. G. Zhao, J. Chen, W. Guo*. Klein-Gordon Equations on Modulation Spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014. Art. ID 947642, 15 pp.(SCI) 25. G. Zhao, J. Chen, W. Guo*, Remarks on the unimodular Fourier multipliers on α-modulation spaces, Journal of Function Spaces, 2014, 2014. Art. ID 106267, 8pp.(SCI) 主讲课程 专业课:《数学分析》 公共课:《高等数学》、《线性代数》、《概率论与数理统计》、《积分变换与复变函数》 获奖 1. 2021年获学校优秀共产党员称号。 2. 2020年获校党员名师先锋岗称号。 3. 2018年获校第二届说课程竞赛专业理论课一等奖。 4. 2018年入选校鹭江优秀学者。 5. 2017年入选福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划。 6. 2017年获校第十届青年教师教学竞赛三等奖。 社会兼职 美国数学协会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews) 评论员

